Ashimara Housing Private Limited is a Private company incorporated on 06 June 2016. It is classified as Non-government company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Delhi. Its authorized share capital is Rs. 30,600,000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 26,656,933. It's NIC code is 702 (which is part of its CIN). As per the NIC code, it is involved in Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis. [This class includes buying, selling, renting, managing, and appraising real estate on a fee or contract basis. This class also includes the service activities provided by Munshi.]
The Ashimara team has struggled to onboard a candidate Onboarding Module, Exit management, Leave and Probation.
Attendance module : To track the real-time check-in and check-out of all the employees
Leaves module : Useful for employees at all levels of hierarchy to know about the available leaves, approvals, and track the monthly report
Onboarding module : To have a smooth flow of candidate and employee onboarding where the manual work is minimized
Probation module : To automate the probation process and convert the employee to a permanent employee
Exit module : It covers the entire exit process starting from the application of exit, approvals, mail notifications, and the change of the employee status automated by the configuration rule up to the full and final settlement of the employee.
Nexivo transformed Ashimara Foods' HR processes by implementing Zoho People and Zoho Payroll, addressing challenges in onboarding, leave management, probation, and exit processes. Automated workflows streamlined the onboarding and probation modules, while real-time attendance tracking and leave management improved transparency and efficiency. Integration between Zoho People and Payroll ensured seamless data synchronization, resolving import/export issues. With Nexivo’s Zoho Implementation Services, Ashimara achieved efficient workforce management, reduced manual tasks, and enhanced HR operations, enabling them to focus on their real estate activities.