

Key Apps

My Healing Mate

MYHEALINGMATE (MHM) is a care navigation and service platform, specifically designed to empower both cancer patients and their caregivers throughout their healing journey. Our mission is to offer personalized solutions and guidance tailored to complement individual cancer treatments.

The Challenge

The MHM sales process was in an Excel worksheet, and managing the sales pipeline and compliance was a big issue. The engagement with customers and reconnecting to them wasa big challenge as the user tend to forgot what they communicated and and each they go back to the Ozonetel tool to check the conversation they had and maintaining that status.

The Solution

We proposed Zoho CRM application for managing the leads and deals pipeline.

Benefits and ROI

  • Configured the basic Zoho CRM modules: Leads, Contacts, Accounts, and Deals.  
  • Established differentiation between Patient and Partner leads for streamlined identification:  
  • Patient Leads: Converted to Patient Contacts and Deals.  
  • Partner Leads: Converted to Partner Accounts, Contacts, and Deals.  
  • Integrated Ozonetel Telephony for efficient outbound calling directly from Zoho CRM.
  • Implemented Business Messaging for WhatsApp, enabling: Tracking of automated WhatsApp messages triggered from CRM.  
  • Consolidated view of all messages in a single "Messages" module.
  • Controlled communication, allowing sales reps to engage only if customers respond to automated messages.

Looking Forward

MYHEALINGMATE (MHM) is a care navigation and service platform, specifically designed to empower both cancer patients and their caregivers throughout their healing journey. Our mission is to offer personalized solutions and guidance tailored to complement individual cancer treatments.


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